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Tantric Yoga, Astrology and the Final Transformation of Man.

I think there is a very elaborate parallel in Tantric Yoga.

This visualizing yoga knows seven mandalas, situated one above the other, which correspond to certain body parts, and which are successively to be awakened and meditated by the ascending Kundalini serpent.

The lowest of these mandalas is the earth lotus.

It corresponds to the gray mouse.

It is the place of the world-bound souls.

In its center there is the lingam, colored like a fresh sapling, perhaps reminiscent of a worm.

Coiled around the lingam, the Kundalini serpent sleeps.

In it sleeps the essence of the highest experience.

When it awakens, it ascends, passing through all lotuses to bring them to life.

It is the driving force, the compulsion to become conscious.

The animals in our dream can be seen as a transformational form of the Kundalini.

The dragon in the second lotus corresponds to the snakes in our dream.

Above, there is the fire circle, the center of emotions.

This is the navel lotus, in the region of the solar plexus.

The fish correspond to the heart-lotus, with a fleeing antelope.

Nearby there is the place of the “divine wish-tree.” In this lotus thinking begins.

Then follows the ether airspace or firmament-lotus, which reveals its connection with the blue mouse by its blue ovary and by its name, “circle of purification and ablution.”

Above, in the two-leaved, winged circle of knowledge, there are no longer any animals.

There the yogi sees the highest, eternal god, the incarnate, primordial man.

And finally, in the highest, thousand-petaled lotus, the yogi receives the “knowledge of one’s own self.”

The name of this place is “eternal blessedness,” and some call it salvation, Atman knowledge, or knowledge of existence itself.

Another parallel is given by astrology, in the sequence of the historical ages.

About six thousand years ago, the first historical written records were made in the Age of Taurus.

The earth element is assigned to the constellation Taurus.

In ancient Egypt, the spirit found its expression through the medium of matter, the stone, and the earth.

Two thousand years later, the vernal equinox entered the constellation Aries.

With that, a fiery age began, as witnessed by Moses, when he sees God in a fiery bush, or when God appears to His people as a pillar of fire.

Around the birth of Christ, there follows the Age of Pisces.

Pisces is a water sign.

That is probably why we have to look for the spirit in the water, in life’s flow of images, and in the unconscious.

And now we are on the threshold of the sign of Aquarius.

The air element is assigned to it, and it is symbolized by an angel or a human being, instead of an animal.

Here the spirit is meant to become something subtle again, and man to become who he is.

This juxtaposition shows what is meant by man in general and by the one person in our dream.

These final stages correspond to the lotuses of Atman-, Purusha-, or God-knowledge.

It is a union with Christ and an experience of the self, or an anthropogenesis that will be fully realized only in the coming Age of Aquarius.

I am not able to make this reaching of the final stage clear to you.

Let me quote instead from Meister Eckhart’s sermons.

You surely know the words of Meister Eckhart: “All nature means man.”

And another one: “All creatures feel an urge to rise from their lives to their inner nature. All creatures carry my reason within themselves, so that they may gain reason in me. I alone again prepare all creatures for God!” (All creatures—thus also man!)

And about the final transformation: “When the soul has to realize that no creature at all can come into the Kingdom of God, it begins to feel itself, goes its own way and no longer seeks God. Only then does it die its highest death. In this death the soul loses all desire, all capability of thinking, all form, and is deprived of all essence.

Now at last it finds itself in the highest primordial image, in which God lives and is active, where He is His own kingdom.”

Here the soul has found out that it itself is the “Kingdom of God.”

That is why the Church Fathers particularly stress “that the humanness of Jesus must not be just adored separately from the deity, but both have to be worshipped together in one single act.” ~Carl Jung, Children’s Dreams Seminar, Pages 353-355.

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