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Carl Jung: The question of whether man will accept the ugliest man in himself, or not?


Jung, My Mother and I: The Analytical Diaries of Catharine Rush Cabot

…Jung spoke about people who love to be compassionate to others; they are the great helpers and eternal saviors!

It is such a nice feeling for them and quenches for them their unquestionable thirst to be on top!

He said it would be very much better if such people were compassionate with themselves – with the ugliest man in themselves!

But it is nicer to forget him in oneself, and instead go to one’s neighbor and weed out his garden!

Let all the weeds grow in your garden, don’t bother about them, just go and help your neighbor weed out his.

Naturally, if you give your compassion to yourself, to the imperfect man in yourself, you bring up a monster, and run into that terrific cataclysm man carries within him, that eternal skeleton in the cupboard of which he is afraid.

It just boils down to the question of whether man will accept the ugliest man in himself, or not?  ~Katy Cabot, Jung My Mother and I, Page 55

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