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Mary brought forth a child to be sacrificed on the cross.

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Visions Seminar

Then a child is offered to the cross.

The woman offering the child is Mary; Mary brought forth a child to be sacrificed on the cross.

This means that whatever is growing in one’s mind, reaching out into the future, is to be sacrificed.

Therefore no progress. You know how difficult progress has always been.

It is only recently that people like myself have not been executed; I would have been burned in the Middle Ages.

The mere fact that poor old Galileo had some ideas about the movement of the earth was enough to put him under thumbscrews, and the most innocent philosopher was burned alive.

That is not so long ago, and often it happened to perfectly nice people.

It was in 1796 that the last witch was burned to death in Glarus, about sixty kilometers from here, and what is that?  ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 149

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