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Carl Jung Dreams of his Wife

Black Books

After that I had this dream around l 1/2 years ago:

I am lying on a bed with my wife in a chamber with an open ceiling (similar to the roofless houses of Pompeii.)

All at once my wife startles and climbs the wall rapidly and disappears upward.

She wears a long white dress with mystical figures, such as witches or heretics, who are burnt at the stake. ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. II, Page 160

Hedwig Sturzenegger, nee Bendel (1876- 1912), was a first cousin of Emma Jung’s.

She died of leukemia.

In Memories, Jung wrote:

“I dreamed that my wife’s bed was a deep pit with stone walls.

It was a grave, and somehow had a suggestion of antiquity about it.

Then I heard a deep sigh, as if someone were giving up the ghost.

A figure that resembled my wife sat up in the pit and floated upward.

She wore a white gown into which curious black symbols were woven.

I awoke, roused my wife, and checked the time.

It was three o’clock in the morning.

The dream was so curious that I thought at once that it might signify a death.

At seven o’clock came the news that a cousin of my wife had died at three o’clock in the morning!” (p. 332). The Black Books, Page, 161, fn 55


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