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Carl Jung: Mature youth begins, as one says, at seventy

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Letters Volume II

To Charles H. Tobias

Dear Sir, 27 October 1958

A bird has whistled to me and told me that you have reached your 70th year of life.

Although I do not know you, I assume you are quite satisfied with this achievement.

It is something.

I can talk with some authority, as I am in my 84th and still in passably good form and-looking back, as you probably do on this day of celebration and congratulation-! see following behind myself the long chain of 5 children, 19 grandchildren, and about 8 or 9 great-grandchildren.

(The latter number is not quite safe as at frequent intervals a new one drops from heaven.)

Mature youth begins, as one says, at seventy and it is in certain respects not so nice and in others more beautiful than childhood.

Let us hope that in your case the latter part of the sentence will confirm itself.

My best wishes,

Yours cordially,

C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 462-463

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