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Carl Jung on Money – Anthology

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It [The State] does not know that energy only works when accumulated. Its energy is money. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 110

Anyone who is not interested in money in one form or another, is deemed to have played his cards all wrong and missed out on the real purpose of his life. It might be worthwhile, for once, to estimate approximately how many people belong to that great confraternity who strike up a Te Deum when the interest rate rises 1 percent. Naturally I would also include in this group all persons who study for venial purposes or who have set their sights on “marrying well.” ~Carl Jung, Zofingia Lectures, Para 23

Money value is fast becoming a fiction guaranteed by the State. Money becomes paper and everybody convinces everybody else that the little scraps are worth something because the State says so. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 110

Money-making, social achievement, family and posterity are nothing but plain nature, not culture. Culture lies outside the purpose of nature. Could by any chance culture be the meaning and purpose of the second half of life? ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 787

If making money is an end in itself, both science and art can quietly shut up shop. No one can deny that our modern consciousness, in pursuing these mutually exclusive ends, has become hopelessly fragmented.  The consequence is that people are trained to develop one quality only; they become tools themselves. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 696

As a student he [Jung] had to get his money, or at least part of it, from the sale of antiques belonging to a relative. Jung knew what poverty was. ~Aniela Jaffe, Jung’s Last Years, Page 109.

America has a principle or idea or attitude, but it is surely not money. Often, when I was searching through the conscious and the unconscious mind of my American patients and pupils, I found something which I can only describe as a sort of Heroic Ideal ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 976

International relations turned into the most exaggerated nationalism, and the very God of the earth, the ultima ratio of all things worldly—money—developed a more and more fictitious character never dreamt of before. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 1306

For instance, there are many big business men who are impotent because their full energy is going into money making or dictating the roles to everybody ‐ else.  That is much more interesting to them than the affairs of women. ~Carl Jung, Conversations Evans, Page 12.

Do not forget that Kepler once cast horoscopes for money, and that countless artists are condemned to work for a living wage. ~Carl Jung, CW 4, Para 607

Nowadays we have no real sexual morality, only a legalistic attitude to sexuality; just as the Middle Ages had no real morality of money-making but only prejudices and a legalistic point of view. ~Carl Jung, CW 4, Para 666

Though Jung had a good attitude to money, he never threw it about, so his bidding convinced the members of the club of what a high value he set on his own time. ~Barbara Hannah, Jung: His Life and His Work, Page 169

Man has two aims the first is the natural aim, the begetting of children and the business of protecting the brood; to this belongs the acquisition of money and social position. When this aim has been reached a new phase begins the cultural aim. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 114

Five percent on money lent is fair interest, twenty per cent is despicable usury. We have to apply this view to the sexual situation as well. ~Carl Jung, CW 4, Para 667

St. Augustine aptly defines libido as a “general term for all desire” and says: There is a lust for revenge, which is called rage; a lust for having money, which is called avarice; a lust for victory at all costs, which is called stubbornness; a lust for self-glorification, which is called boastfulness. There are many and varied kinds of lust. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 186

That is, Marie-Louise finished high school in 1933 and completed her doctorate in classical philology and classical languages (Greek and Latin) seven years later. (Our father, however, had lost the greatest part of his money in the early 1930s, so when we started our university studies, he told us that we had to earn the entire matriculation fees and expenses ourselves.) ~Marie-Anne Von Franz, Homage to MLVF, Page 135

However, it was not Emma’s wealth that attracted him to her. Jung always insisted most emphatically that he had not married her for her money. He once confided to a friend that he had fallen instantly in love the first time he saw her and felt sure they would marry some day. ~ Arthur I. Miller, Deciphering the Cosmic Number, Page 22

Germany was the first country to experience the miracles worked by democracy’s ghost, the State. She saw her money becoming elastic and expanding to astronomical proportions and then evaporating altogether. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 110

If for instance you live in a well-to-do community, and you suddenly lose all your money, your natural reaction will be to think that it is terrible and shameful and that you are the only one who is such an ass as to lose his money. But if everybody loses his money it is quite another matter and you feel reconciled to it.  ~Carl Jung, CW 18 Para 232

In Rome money-offerings were thrown every year into the lacus Curtius, formerly a chasm that had been closed through the sacrificial death of Curtius. He was the hero who went down to the underworld in order to conquer the danger that threatened the Roman state after the opening of the chasm ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 571

In the Anphiaraion at Oropos those healed through incubation in the temple threw their money-offerings into the sacred well. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 571

An idea psychologically different in different people e.g., God is the belly, or money, science, power, sex, etc. a concept varying according to the localization of the highest good ~Carl Jung, CW 6, Para 67

Since Socialism and Communism merely enhance the attributes of democracy, i.e., of a Constitution where there is a ruler without subjects and subjects without a ruler, they only serve to hollow out the meaning of Parliament, of government, of money, and of the so-called rights of the free citizen. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 1334

This is the obvious purpose of nature. But when this purpose has been attained —and more than attained—shall the earning of money, the extension of conquests, and the expansion of life go steadily on beyond the bounds of all reason and sense? Whoever carries over into the afternoon the law of the morning, or the natural aim, must pay for it with damage to his soul, just as surely as a growing youth who tries to carry over his childish egoism into adult life must pay for this mistake with social failure. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 787

I have often met with the objection that the thoughts which the voice represents are no more than the thoughts of the individual himself. That may be but I would call a thought my own only when I have thought it, just as I would call money my own only when I have earned or acquired it in a conscious and legitimate manner. If somebody gives me the money as a present, then I shall certainly not say to my benefactor, “Thank you for my money,” although to a third person I might say afterwards: “This is my own money.” With the voice I am in a similar situation. The voice gives me certain contents, exactly as if a friend were informing me of his ideas. It would be neither decent nor truthful to suggest that what he says are my own ideas ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 63

Such dreams were also announced to the Roman Senate. There is a story of a senator’s daughter in the first century B.C. who dreamed that the goddess Minerva had appeared to her and complained that the Roman people were neglecting her temple. The lady felt obliged to report the dream to the Senate, and the Senate voted a certain sum of money for the restoration of the temple ~Carl Jung, CW 18, 250

I am no anti-Semite. From all this I gained neither honours nor money, but I am glad that I could be of service to those in need. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 219

I remember Toni Wolff once arranging an auction at the Psychological Club to raise money for some important project. All club members gave things of value to be auctioned, and Jung was persuaded to give an hour of his time. He then bid for it himself and did not give up until it was well over a hundred francs! ~Barbara Hannah, Jung: His Life and His Work, Page 169

The letter went on to say that Frau Froebe-Kapteyn wished to collect for the Eranos archive a vast number of ancient and medieval pictures of Hermes-a decidedly useful enterprise. But she needed some money to pay for the necessary photos.  ~William Schoenl, C.G. Jung-His Friendships with Mary Mellon & J.B. Priestley, Page 17

At the moment I just have three patients who do pay well. I would have enough patients if I would accept them paying me very little, but I don’t like to offer psychoanalysis for tip money. ~Carl Jung, Two Cases from Jung’s Clinical Practice, Page 33

Laura Leay had been separated from her husband, Fred, for seven years. His paranoia and his bizarre accusations against his wife, in relation to infidelity and the embezzlement of his money, had become intolerable and he had finally been committed to an asylum. ~Diana Baynes, Jung’s Apprentice, Page 236

I consider it disgraceful for an educated man to accept the idea of the preeminent power of money. It is even more disgraceful if he tips his hat and shows his reverence to a sack of gold. But it is most disgraceful of all if he uses-or rather abuses-his knowledge and skills to gain bliss from the one thing that can give it, the personal possession of Mammon. ~Carl Jung, Zofingia Lectures, Para 25

Ought I to tell you about all those who engage in scholarly pursuits merely in order to fill up as quickly as possible the moneybag that they have invested with the sacred aura of scientific knowledge? Shall I tell you of those savants whom others regard as having attained the pinnacle in human perfection, but who sell their science and their knowledge for thirty pieces of silver?  ~Carl Jung, Zofingia Lectures, Para 26

The relationship with Edith Rockefeller opened the door later for Keller to meet her brother, John D. Rockefeller Jr., from whom he received large sums of money for his theological education project for the support of poor East European churches.  ~ Marianne Jehle-Wildberger, Jung-Keller Correspondence, Page 41

The painful question then presented itself: Where was the money to come from? My father could raise only part of it.  He applied to the University of Basel for a stipend for me, and to my shame it was granted. ~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Page 86.

You rightly surmise that I am an expensive customer. I have to be, otherwise I would be eaten up skin, bones, and all. Therefore I wanted to give you good advice and save you a lot of money.  ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 115

You must only learn how to make the effort, and that was what I meant when I once advised you to talk over your problems with my wife. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 116

So long as you think you don’t yet know what this is, you still have too much money to spend in useless speculation. But if you do with conviction the next and most necessary thing, you are always doing something meaningful and intended by fate. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 133

It is possible that a Dr. X. will turn to you. He pants for therapy, needs it too, because he consists essentially of only an intellectual halo wandering forlorn and footless through the world. He could be not uninteresting, but there’s no money in it.  ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 140

It is true that I have insisted upon the difference between Jewish and Christian psychology1 since 1917, but Jewish authors have done the same long ago as well as recently.2 I am no anti-Semite. From all this I gained neither honours nor money, but I am glad that I could be of service to those in need.  ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 219

I take the liberty of sending you an offprint of a little paper I wrote about the Beatus Niklaus, a Swiss saint who for the mere lack of money has not ·been canonized yet, but he is on the list. His is a typical case of a non-dogmatic religious experience. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 270

The only thing that matters is what you do yourself. Nobody can “fence you in,” as you put it. But people who have no money, for instance, are fenced in by that very fact without being able to hold anybody else responsible. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 292

There are countless people with an inferior extraversion or with too much introversion or with too little money who in God’s name must plod along through life under such conditions. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 292

It is just as well that she got all her psychology from books, as she would have busted every decent and competent analyst. I sincerely hope that she is going on dreaming of winners, because such people need money to keep them afloat.  ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 24

Every doctor in the tropics would like nothing better than to build his own hospital on his lonely outpost, but unhappily he hasn’t Schweitzer’s talent for using money-making lectures and soul-stirring organ recitals for this purpose. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 140

Research of this kind requires teamwork and money, and we have neither at present. Above all, superior intelligence and psychological competence are needed. Both are hard to find. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 538

The intellect can make its profound statement that there is no absolute Truth. But if somebody loses his money, his mo11ey is lost and this is as good as an absolute Truth, which means that he will  not be consoled by intellectual profundity. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 595

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