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Carl Jung: Nothing isolates us more than power and prestige

Letters Volume II

To Mrs. C.

Dear Mrs . C., 21 May 1957

Sorry to hear that you are having such a difficult time with X.

Apparently you are not yet in such a state of simplicity that you could accept the helpful intentions of those knowing less than you.

The more you know, the more you will grow out of the number of children needing parents.

It seems to me as if there were something fateful about the so-called misunderstandings with X. ( . . . )

Such things usually occur when the time has come to give up the infantile way and to learn about the adult way, when one creates those people and those relationships one really needs.

I am sure you have some amongst your friends to whom you might be able to talk and to explain yourself.

One has no authority when one cannot risk it, and you will be quite astonished how very helpful people we might consider inferior can be.

Even the Pope has a Father Confessor who is a simple priest and by no means one of the Cardinals.

If you are all alone then it is because you isolate yourself; if you are humble enough you are never alone.

Nothing isolates us more than power and prestige.

Try to come down and be humble and you are never alone!

I could easily contrive to be marvellously alone, because I never had the chance to get a superior Father Confessor.

Not being able to get the necessary help from above, I need to fetch it from below, and what I was able to do you might do also.

Try not to be tempted too much to draw help from me; it is so very much more useful to get it indirectly from yourself, from those who got it originally from yourself.

My best wishes,


C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 361

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