The dream of the horse represents the union with the animal soul.

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The dream of the horse represents the union with the animal soul.

Letters of C. G. Jung: Volume 2, 1951-1961

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To E . L. Grant Sharon Watson​

Dear Mr. Watson, 25 January 1954

Your dream is remarkable.

The dream of the horse represents the union with the animal soul, which you have missed for a long time.

The union produces a peculiar state of mind, namely an unconscious thinking that enables you to realize the natural progress of the mind in its own sphere.

You can understand it as the natural thought process in the unconscious or as an anticipation of post-mortal mental life.

(This is a serious possibility inasmuch as the psyche is, at least partially, independent of space and time. Cf. Rhine’s experiments with ESP.)

The feet represent “standpoint”; Hindus = eastern standpoint.

The dream shows your transmutation from the Western outlook to the Eastern realization of the atman = self and its identity with the universal atman.

You proceed beyond the ego to ever-widening horizons, where the atman gradually reveals its universal aspect.

You integrate your animal, your parents, all the people you love (they all live in you and you are no more separated from them).

This is the secret of John XVI I: 20 sqq. and at the same time the essential Hindu doctrine of the atman-purusha.

Our unconscious definitely prefers the Hindu interpretation of immortality.

There is no loneliness, but all-ness or infinitely increasing completeness.

Such dreams occur at the gateway of death.

They interpret the mystery of death.

They don’t predict it but they show you the right way to approach the end.

Yours sincerely,

C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 145-146

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