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Gustav Dreifuss: Memory of C.G. Jung:

C.G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff: A Collection of Remembrances

After about three years of analysis with Dr. Liliane Frey-Rohn, I dreamt an archetypal dream of such a content that Dr. Frey found it to be a dream for the boss!

I was very excited about this suggestion and immediately wrote Jung.

And then, at the beginning of March, 1951, I received a letter saying that Jung was prepared to receive me.

I was very excited, and the hour I had turned out to be very interesting, stimulating.

It was incredible how much knowledge, amplifications to my dream I received in one hour.

Although I had been scared to a certain extent to meet the big man, I felt at ease when talking and listening to him.

At the door he said to me: Well, these were two really juicy dreams.

Another encounter: Attending a lecture, my wife and I happened to sit not far away from the Jung’s.

When it was about time to leave, Jung suddenly turned to his wife and said in a genuine Swiss way: “So, Emma, chum jetzt!” (So, Emma, let’s go!)

These words my wife and I still “hear” today!

Around 1955 the diploma-candidates of the Jung Institute had the opportunity to meet Jung in his home and ask questions.

I vividly remember Jung’s answer with regard to the meaning of consciousness.

Then he added: But a still bigger problem is unconsciousness.

How can man time and again become unconscious in order to unite with the depth of his soul and drink from the deepest wells? (At least, that’s how I remember it.) ~Gustav Dreifuss, J.E.T., Pages 13-14


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