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Carl Jung: If belief does not come to me as a shock, it would not convince me.


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Letters of C. G. Jung: Volume 2, 1951-1961

To Father Victor White pro tempore Locarno, Ticino, Park Hotel

Dear Victor, [? Spring, 1952]

Thank you very much for your offprints!

You have been obviously busy.

I have read them all and I think the one about the “Dying God” is particularly good.

The one about Freud is clever and remarkably open-minded.

Your meditation about the way of the Cross contains nothing I could not subscribe to.

It is psychologically “correct.”

This amounts to a sincere compliment.

Does the book you are planning contain these articles?

I hope you have received my Antwort auf Hiob.

I had a pretty miserable time throughout March on account of a grippe, from which I am recovering very slowly.

I came down here to pick up again.

Although we are in the sun, the air is still pretty cold and windy.

I have finished the dreaded last chapter of my Mysterium Coniunctionis.

It has knocked me flat, and my head is tired.

Well, I am approaching my 78th year, and complaints are pointless.

My next goal seems to be a thorough contemplation of the spiritual life of lizards and similar cold-blooded animals.

But the world does not let me go so easily.

After this letter I have to write another one about understanding and believing to a
Protestant theologus.

I am afraid I cannot conceive of any religious belief which is less than a violation of
my ego-consciousness.

Otherwise I would be hardly aware of believing anything at all.

If belief does not come to me as a shock, it would not convince me.

I don’t know whether they are going to like my opinion or not.

The Curator of the Museum of the History of Science in Oxford has sent me a rather long series of dreams which he has unearthed from the Elias Ashmole MSS, the editor of the Theatrum Chemicum Britannicum 1646(?).

They extend over about 5 years and contain the remarkable story of an invasion of unconscious contents aiming at a coniunctio with the unconscious.

The attempt fails, i.e., is superseded by a return of the former one-sided masculine consciousness.

It is an unconscious parallel to Faust.

The attempt culminates in a symbol of the self: Paradise on the North Pole, springs, and on a hill the chapel of Our Lady.

The series begins with Venus in the IX house = Sapientia.

It ends with death, fraud, and murder.

A fine example of an individuation that did not come off.

Hoping to see you in summer again!

Yours cordially,

C.G. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 50-51.

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believe belief


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