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Carl Jung Quotations 31

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<div naturally a new meaning does not come ready-made out of the unconscious, like Pallas Athene springing fully-armed from the head of Zeus; a living effect is achieved only when the products of the unconscious are brought into serious relationship with the conscious mind. ~Carl Jung, CW 4, Para 760

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He [Man] is infected with the leprosy of collective thinking and has become an inmate of that insalubrious stud-farm called the totalitarian State. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 194

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Concrete values cannot take the place of the symbol; only new and more effective symbols can be substituted for those that are antiquated and outworn and have lost their efficacy through the progress of intellectual analysis and understanding. ~Carl Jung, CW 4, Para 680

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The further development of the individual can be brought about only by means of symbols which represent something far in advance of himself and whose intellectual meanings cannot yet be grasped entirely. ~Carl Jung, CW 4, Para 680

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Man “possesses” many things which he has never acquired but has inherited from his ancestors. ~Carl Jung, CW 4, Para 728

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There are experiences which one must go through and for which reason is no substitute. Such experiences are often of inestimable value to the patient. ~Carl Jung, CW 4, Para 446.

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The archetypes are the numinous, structural elements of the psyche and possess a certain autonomy and specific energy which enables
them to attract, out of the conscious mind, those contents which are best suited to themselves. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 344.

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Our civilization has long since forgotten how to think symbolically. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 683.

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All knowledge of the psyche is itself psychic; in spite of all this the soul is the only experient of life and existence. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 344.


Experience of the archetype is not only impressive, it seizes and possesses the whole personality, and is naturally productive of faith. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 344.

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Yet every descent is followed by an ascent; the vanishing shapes are shaped anew, and a truth is valid in the end only if it suffers change, and bears new witnesses in new images, in new tongues, like a new wine that is put into old bottles. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 533

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If he is intent only on the outer reality, he must live his myth; if he is turned only towards the inner reality, he must dream his outer, so-called real life. ~Carl Jung, CW 6, Para 280

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The Great Mother is impregnated by the loneliness of him that seeks her. ~Carl Jung to Hermann Hesse, Letters Volume 1, Pages 573-574.

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Besides the obvious personal sources, creative fantasy also draws upon the forgotten and long buried primitive mind with its host of images, which are to be found in the mythologies of all ages and all peoples. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Pages xxiv-xxv

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The creative substratum is everywhere this same human psyche and this same human brain, which, with relatively minor variations,functions everywhere in the same way. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Page xxix

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No man can change himself into anything from sheer reason; he can only change into what he potentially is. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 533

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A host of possibilities is still embedded in the archetypes, in the realm of the Mothers. The abundance of possibilities eludes our comprehension. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 22

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The origin of the archetypes is a crucial question. Where space and time are relative it is not possible to speak of developments in time.
Everything is present, altogether and all at once, in the constant presence of the Pleroma. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 22

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Man is also distinct from the angels because he can receive revelations, be disobedient, grow and change. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 36.

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God changes too and is therefore especially interested in man. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 36.

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Although the earth existed before there were any human beings, it could not be seen or known by anyone. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 22.

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For him who looks backwards the whole world, even the starry sky, becomes the mother who bends over him and enfolds him on all sides, and from the renunciation of this image, and of the longing for it arises the picture of the world as we know it today. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 643

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The religious myth is one of man’s greatest and most significant achievements, giving him the security and inner strength not to be crushed by the monstrousness of the universe. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 343

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People accuse psychology of dealing in squalid fantasies, and yet even a cursory glance at ancient religions and the history of morals should be sufficient to convince them of the demons hidden in the human soul. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 106

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This disbelief in the devilishness of human nature goes hand in hand with the blank incomprehension of religion and its meaning. ~Carl Jung, CW 5, Para 106

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