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Doctors in general not only have a repugnance to reading voluminous books

C.G. Jung Letters, Vol. 1: 1906-1950

To Albert Jung

Dear Colleague, 10 November 1948

Best thanks for kindly sending me your writings.

I am sincerely grateful to you for your sympathetic and intelligent exposition.

I find it particularly meritorious that you have taken all this trouble to inculcate a little psychology into the doctors.

Doctors in general not only have a repugnance to reading voluminous books, they also have a regular horror of thinking, for which they have ceased to be trained ever since their high-school days.

It therefore remains uncommonly difficult for them; so difficult, indeed, that they can read the simplest of my books only with beads of sweat on their brows, if at all.

In the end, of course, psychology is only an outlying frontier of medicine, but in its practical aspects it is so important that at least the psychiatric side of medicine will not be able to avoid acquiring some knowledge of the nature of the psyche, which after all is the essence of bodily life.

The Innerschweizer Philosophengesellschaf seems to be taking a lively interest in my psychology.

I get word of it occasionally from Professor Gebhard Frei, who has lectured on this subject.

I wish you all luck with your lecture.

At least you have the advantage of an audience which has a more pertinent conception of the psyche and its symbolism than the medical public.

Again with best thanks,

Yours sincerely,

C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 512.

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