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Carl Jung’s Diagram of Consciousness

0c201 1

Modern Psychology: C. G. Jung’s Lectures at the ETH Zürich, 1933-1941


Our consciousness (1) is here shown as a spider in the web that receives:

I. Impressions from the outer world (A) , through the image which our brain registers. We are dealing here with the objective facts of everyday life, where outer people and objects impress themselves up on us; for instance Mr. D (2) affects our consciousness and induces a psychic content (3).

II. Impressions from the invisible inner world (B) which lies behind the ego.

We can say as a hypothesis that this background also contains facts and objects (4), comparable to those of the outer world, and they also impress our consciousness through the images (5) which our psyche registers.

These images, induced by the inner world can be contents existing in their own right and they do not necessarily reach consciousness, just as many images constellated by outer facts never reach us; they only do so when they are related to the ego.

The ego therefore stands in the centre and acts as a magnet, drawing all contents to it. ~Carl Jung, Modern Psychology, Vol. 1, Pages 29-30.

5f2e3 consciousness opposites
5f2e3 consciousness opposites
006 The four consciousness functions in Pauli’s case. Thinking the superior function occupies the upper half of the circle. Feeling the inferior function is in the dark half.
006 The four consciousness functions in Pauli’s case. Thinking the superior function occupies the upper half of the circle. Feeling the inferior function is in the dark half.
999 consciousness
999 consciousness

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