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A tremendous revolution in Christianity has long been due


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C.G. Jung Letters, Vol. 1: 1906-1950

To Hans Meyer

Dear Colleague, 30 January 1946

I was very interested in your paper and will see if it can be placed with the Neue Schweizer Rundschau.

At all events I will recommend it to the editor as the first German attempt to get at the problem psychologically.

I can only agree with your reflections.

You have set yourself a frame of reference that restricts the problem to the actions and sufferings of Germany.

To go beyond that would probably not be appropriate at the moment, even though the argument as such would have to be carried further, to the point where it embraced all

Germany is an isolated instance at present, but she represents merely the tip of an iceberg.

European man, indeed man in general, has for the first time in his history dropped out of the original scheme of things and is growing up in a world which he has robbed of every influence on his psychic life and now loads him with a crushing responsibility.

At the same time fate has pressed the atom bomb into his hands and with it the means of destroying himself for good and all.

In the face of this situation there is naturally a compensating reaction in the unconscious, whose outcome, considering the ineffectuality of our consciousness, could have no other consequences than a catastrophe.

In reality, however, a tremendous revolution in Christianity has long been due, since our erstwhile religious views have been overtaken by events and need a reformation.

400 years ago it was Germany who performed this service for the world.

The unconscious is pure nature, with the result that what stands behind the bad foreground is a natural fact beyond good and evil.

It always depends on human comprehension whether the archetypal content of the unconscious will take a favorable or a nefarious turn.

The unconscious is the future in the form or disguise of the past.

It is not a “wish” but a “must.”

What happens when man introjects God? A superman psychosis, because every blockhead thinks that when he withdraws a projection its contents cease to exist.

Insight, insight!

I have tried all my life to din a bit of understanding into people.

May others have better luck.

With collegial regards,

Yours sincerely,

C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 407.

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