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Some Carl Jung Quotations LV

Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 129

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There is no doubt and no hesitation; the unanimous conviction in Switzerland is that Germany
has lost her national honour to an unspeakable degree, and the Germans inasmuch as they still
think know it too. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 276

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What the public still doesn’t know and can’t get into its head is that the collective man is subhuman, nothing but a
beast-man, as was clearly demonstrated by the exquisite bestiality of the young German fighters during the Blitzkrieg
in Poland. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 282

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Any organization in which the voice of the individual is no longer heard is in danger of degenerating into a subhuman monster. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 282

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You notice that the meditation is not on the spirit of the Buddha, but on the Body of the Buddha; the highest truth grows
from the deepest roots of the body and not from the spirit. ~Carl Jung, ETH, Page 28

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So for the time being we need not worry about future congresses, delegate meetings, translators, etc.
Hitler is reaching his climax and with him the German psychosis. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 275-276

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Certainly the Jews have lived much longer in other countries but without the contact to the soil that was
not accessible to them due to their being rooted in the Torah. ~Erich Neumann, Jung Correspondence 30 Jan 1936

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My analytical work is making great demands of me, problems are mounting up that I am grappling
with without resolving them, and it is becoming evident to me more often that I urgently need to do
some more work with you and Miss Wolff. ~Erich Neumann, Jung Correspondence 30 Jan 1936

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My wife would urgently like to work with Miss Wolff and I consider this also to be crucially
important, after that it must be decided whether she will work more in this direction. ~Erich Neumann,
Jung Correspondence 30 Jan 1936

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Your idea about the image of the medicine-man being the everlasting model for the impressive doctor is
quite correct. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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Freud is essentially concretistic, like Newton, and I’m chiefly impressed by the relativity of psychological
phenomena. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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Personally a creative man can be an introvert, but in his work he is an extravert and vice versa. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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His general way of living was a genuinely introverted style, whereas Adler, whom I met as a young man,
being of my age, gave me the impression of a neurotic introvert, in which case there is always a doubt as
to the definite type. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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As you know, Freud himself was neurotic his life-long. I myself analyzed him for a certain very disagreeable
symptom which in consequence of the treatment was cured. That gave me the idea that Freud as· well as Adler
underwent a change in their personal type. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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Adler, I suppose, was personally never a real introvert, therefore as soon as he had a certain success he
began to develop an extraverted behaviour. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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As a matter of fact Freud was the far greater mind than Adler. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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Either you begin your life with the shadow (putting the wrong foot forward) and later on you continue with
your real personality, or vice versa. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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It is difficult to understand that there are still Americans who do not realize what the world situation really
is. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Pages 301-302

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The idea of a normal man, perfectly healthy, is in itself an illusion. All mankind is liable
to illness for we are not our own masters. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 27 Jan 1939

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We have our bete noire and say with the old Pharisee: “God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men
are.” We don’t want to know that we are the “other men.” ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 27 Jan 1939

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It is a great blessing for mankind when the soul is contained in the dogma and there is always a great deal of misery
when this is not the case. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 27 Jan 1939

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Where there are no forms and ceremonies, rites in which they can express their souls, people become
moody and caught in conflicts. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 27 January 1939

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There is one tribe in Central Australia which spends two thirds of its time in religious ritual – and how
much do we? We look down on them as primitives, but their way is far more meaningful than ours. We
work for ourselves but they for the whole world. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 27 January 1939


The microcosm is a small edition of the macrocosm, the anima mundi. They both have the same round form.
Plato’s idea is identical with the eastern idea of the Atman or Purusha. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 3 Feb 1939

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Modern philosophers philosophise with the head alone about man, but the old philosophy came from
the whole man. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 3 Feb 1939

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But here it is the earth which comes last out of Shunyata as the quinta essentia, apparently the goal
of imagination is not spiritualization but that the tangible earth should become real. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 10th Feb 1939

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