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Liliane Frey-Rohn

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Image: Liliane Frey-Rohn with Dr. Jung

At another point, when Liliane Frey was telling people that Hillman had betrayed “his spiritual mother and father” (meaning herself and Meier), it was Kate who turned it around, saying to her husband: “And what did they do to you? But you see in Europe the young must obey the old, not the old support and follow the young.” ~Dick Russell, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Page 302

After Hillman’s female analyst, Rivkah Scharf-Kluger, left to live in Israel, since May 1957 he had been seeing another of Jung’s female devotees, Dr. Liliane Frey, in addition to Meier. Now, having fulfilled “the minimum of 300 hours divided between a man and woman analyst” as well as 431 supervised hours seeing eight patients, Hillman applied to the Curatorium to present himself for the Diploma-Examinations.  ~Dick Russell, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Page 246

While not a member of the governing Curatorium, as Director of Studies he attended all of its meetings. Curatorium President Franz Riklin was Hillman’s boss. Liliane Frey, the analyst Hillman continued to see on a regular basis, and Meier, whom Kate was still seeing weekly, both strongly disliked Riklin for what they considered a power grab.  ~Dick Russell, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Page 276

Yet Meier and two other Curatorium members, supported by Liliane Frey and Jolande Jacobi, intended to bring Hillman before a hearing. Riklin mobilized to try to stop them and, wrote Hillman, “in great silence Adolf [Guggenbühl] and I planned our moves.”  ~Dick Russell, The Life and Ideas of James Hillman, Page 299

As soon as post-war travel was possible in 1947, Kirsch returned every year to Switzerland for two months to continue his analysis with Jung and Toni Wolff, and, after their deaths, with Dr Liliane Frey and Professor C.A. Meier.  ~Thomas Kirsch, The Jungians, Page 94

In the late 1930s she [Aniela Jaffe] moved to Zurich where she worked as a secretary. These years were filled with many difficulties, both spiritual and physical, but eventually she had an analysis with Liliane Frey. ~Thomas Kirsch, The Jungians, Page 12

When you met him [Jung] in the club or when you met him privately or in analysis, it was always a man interested in the, I would like to use the word, in the supernatural food. Always. And to the depths. And you see, you could come into his room in analysis, and he was just speaking about the dreams you had had before, last night, not knowing them, but he was, he was involved.

He was so transparent for people, and that was the fascinating thing in the relationship with Jung. Therefore, everybody who knew Jug had the feeling he speaks one’s own language. ~ Liliane Frey-Rohn, A Matter of Heart, Film Transcript.

It is fascinating and at the same time heart-wrenching to follow the inner split with which Jung struggled in his efforts to do justice to Freud’s findings on the one hand, while remaining true to his own inner demons on the other. ~ Liliane Frey-Rohn, “Jung” by Gerhard Wehr, Page 201-202

He [Jung] chose two medical doctors, C. A. Meier and Kurt Binswanger, and two extraverted women, Jolande Jacobi and Liliane Frey, for the other four members. [of Institute Board] ~Barbara Hannah, Jung: His Life and His Work, Page 213

The only trouble I’m having is that I no longer have any need to work with Meier and (or) Liliane Frey. I don’t have a negative attitude toward them, but simply feel a need to keep working by myself. ~James Kirsch, Jung-Kirsch Letters, Page 212.

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