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Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century – Quotations

Eranos: An Alternative Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century

Here it is necessary to cite the words on this subject of Sanford L. Drob, a clinical psychologist and philosopher as well as a writer on theology and editor of the New York Jewish Review:

Jung has frequently been called a ‘Gnostic,’ but for reasons which I will detail in this chapter, it is my view that Jung is far more Kabbalistic than he is Gnostic, and he is ‘alchemical’ largely to the extent that the alchemists borrowed from and relied upon Kabbalistic ideas.” ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 48

The already mentioned Festschrift for the Eranos speaker David Miller includes a charming snapshot in which Jung’s Jewish colleague Jolande Jacobi is leaning out of a window towards Gustav Heyer, and both have very happy and expectant expressions. ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 64

If the so- called ethnically alien Christianity had really been profoundly unsuited to the Germanic peoples, they could easily have repelled it when the prestige of the Roman legions had faded.

The American Negroes do not allow themselves to be parted from their Voodoo, and the Pueblo Indians celebrate their buffalo and snake dances happily in the church. ~Carl Jung, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 73

Magda Kerényi and Ximena de Angulo, both of whom knew Jung closely over many decades, denied emphatically that he could have been an anti- Semite. ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 73

Furthermore, Magda Kerényi, who proclaimed her own Jewish ancestry, emphasized that Jung was foremost among those who enabled Leopold Szondi to emigrate to Switzerland, thus saving him from threatened deportation to a concentration camp. ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 73

On 29 July 1936 Fröbe wrote to Jung informing him that the German government had forbidden German speakers to take part in Eranos and that this would apply basically to all German university lecturers.

As she later explained in a 1944 statement to the American Embassy in Bern, Martin Buber’s participation in the 1934 Eranos conference had led to difficulties with the German Ministry of Education, which in 1936 took the precaution of forbidding German speakers to travel abroad. ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 98

The archive also contains a further document, dated January 1937, stemming from the SD, the Security Service of the SS, and describing Eranos as an endeavor with Freemasonry- like traits and hidden goals as well as a high proportion of Jewish participants. ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 98

Allen W. Dulles, then head of the American intelligence organization, the Office of Strategic Services (a precursor to the CIA), who met Jung for the first time in 1936, exonerated him from all accusations of this kind and said, “I do not recall the slightest trace of anything Paing Jung said which indicated other than a deep anti- Nazi and anti-Fascist sentiment.” In Dulles’ war dispatches to the OSS bureaus in Washington and London, ” Jung was even referred to as “Agent 888.” ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 72

Th us he informed Jung in advance, via Mary Bancroft, of the famous plot of 20 July 1944 against Hitler.

This was at a time when the group around Stauffenberg was still being formed.

The risk that Dulles took in so doing would itself appear to be clear proof that he was fully convinced of Jung’s anti- Nazism. ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 72.

Dulles later said, “Jung’s judgment was of real help to me in gauging the political situation. His deep antipathy to what Nazism and Fascism stood for was clearly evidenced in these conversations.”  ~Hans Thomas Hakl, Eranos: An Alternative to Intellectual History 20 Century, Page 72
