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tension between the ego and the self is necessarily deepened by this separation.

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The Process of Individuation by Jolande Jacobi

Development in the first half of life has its own form and its own laws which could be described as an initiation into adulthood.

Emerging from the primitive unity of inner and outer reality and the identity of subject and object, the ego in its contact with its surroundings must build up a solid core by a repeated process of disintegrating and then reintegrating the objects of its experience caused by the self as the originator of psychological development.

It must become sufficiently independent; that is, in order to maintain itself in relative security it must withdraw sufficiently from the self and from the seductive forces of the collective psyche which may lure it into an annihilating participation.

The tension between the ego and the self is necessarily deepened by this separation.

After having developed in separation from the Self, the ego must now restore the relationship, finding a new connection to the self so that it does not dry up completely. In this sense the individuation can also be described as a growing away and out of the self and a new rooting in the self.

The adjustment to external reality, that is, to the tasks of the first half of life, is usually easier to extraverted than to the introverted, who are by nature more inclined to a life determined by inner experiences and images which often leads them into neurosis or difficulties of adjustment. The introvert is already, by his own nature, attracted to this way into the interior. ~Jolande Jacobi, The Process of Individuation, Page

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