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All of this faded when the God arose and only Philemon kept that language

Black Books

In the autumn of 1917, in the manuscript of Scrutinies, Jung wrote, concerning his changing relation to Philemon:

“Since the God has ascended to the upper realms, Philemon also has become different.

He first appeared to me as a magician who lived in a distant land, but then I felt his nearness and, since the God has ascended, I knew that Philemon intoxicated me and given me a language that was foreign to me and of a different sensitivity.

All of this faded when the God arose and only Philemon kept that language.

But I felt that he went on other ways than I did.

Probably the most part of what I have written in the earlier part of this book was given to me by Philemon.

Consequently I was as if intoxicated.

But now I noticed that Philemon assumed a form distinct from me” (LN, p. 483). ~The Black Books, Vol. VI, Page 287, fn 343.

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Who is Jung’s Philemon