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What is especially significant here is that God is conceived at the same time as the Creator of nature.

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Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche

The philosophical concept of mind as “spirit” has still not been able to free itself, as a term in its own right, from the overpowering bond of identity with the other connotation of spirit, namely “ghost.”

Religion, on the other hand, has succeeded in getting over the linguistic association with “spirits” by calling the supreme spiritual authority “God.”

In the course of the centuries this conception came to formulate a spiritual principle which is opposed to mere instinctuality.

What is especially significant here is that God is conceived at the same time as the Creator of nature.

He is seen as the maker of those imperfect creatures who err and sin, and at the same time he is their judge and taskmaster.

Simple logic would say: if I make a creature who falls into error and sin, and is practically worthless because of his blind instinctuality, then I am manifestly a bad creator and have not even completed my apprenticeship. (As we know, this argument played an important role in Gnosticism.)

But the religious point of view is not perturbed by this criticism; it asserts that the ways and intentions of God are inscrutable.

Actually the Gnostic argument found little favour in history, because the unassailability of the God-concept obviously answers a vital need before which all logic pales.

(It should be understood that we are speaking here not of God as a  Ding an sich, but only of a human conception which as such is a legitimate object of science.) ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 102

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