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Carl Jung on Eternity – Anthology

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Carl Jung on “Eternity” – Anthology

From ancient times any relationship to the stars has always symbolized eternity. The soul comes “from the stars” and returns to the stellar regions. “Ursanna’s” relation to the moon is indicated by the “moon-bowl” ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 343.

The eye is also a well-known symbol for God. Hence Böhme calls his “Philosophique Globe” the “Eye of Eternity,” the “Essence of all Essences,” the “Eye of God” ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 594.

The process of transformation has to make a halt in order to digest and assimilate the utterly impractical things that the genius has produced from the storehouse of eternity. Yet the genius is the healer of his time, because anything he reveals of eternal truth is healing ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 1004

But in omniscience there had existed from all eternity a knowledge of the human nature of God or of the divine nature of man.  That is why, long before Genesis was written, we find corresponding testimonies in the ancient Egyptian records. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 631

These psychological connections are seen most clearly in the ancient conceptions of the Original Man, the Protanthropos, and the Son of Man. Christ as the Logos is from all eternity, but in his human form he is the “Son of Man.” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 400

In a Basuto legend reported by Frobenius, the hero is left stranded by his pursuers on the bank of a river. He changes himself into a stone, and his pursuers throw him across to the other side. This is the motif of the transitus: the “other side” is the same as eternity ~Carl Jung, CW 13 Para 133

The better we understand the archetype, the more we participate in its life and the more we realize its eternity or timelessness. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Page 695.

The spirit of this time has condemned us to haste. You have no more futurity and no more past if you serve the spirit of this time. We need the life of eternity. ~Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 253.

You are blessed, virgin soul, praised be your name. You are the chosen one among women. You are the God-bearer. Praise be to you! Honor and fame be yours in eternity. ~Philemon to Carl Jung’s Soul, Liber Novus, Page 344.

You can face eternity properly only when you have “forgotten the world.” ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 373.

The dissolution of our time-bound form in eternity brings no loss of meaning. Rather does the little finger know itself a member of the hand. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 343.

If we designate the Assumptio as a fact in time and space we ought to add that it happens really in eternity and everywhere, and what we perceive of it through our senses is corruptible matter, i.e., we don’t see it, but we infer or believe in the idea. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 568.

The provisionalness of life is indescribable. Everything you do, whether watching a cloud or cooking soup, is done on the edge of eternity and is followed by the suffix of infinity. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 126.

It is only the ingrained belief in the sovereign power of causality that creates intellectual difficulties and makes it appear unthinkable that causeless events exist or could ever occur. But if they do, then we must regard them as creative acts, as the continuous creation of a pattern that exists from all eternity, repeats itself sporadically, and is not derivable from any known antecedents. We must of course guard against thinking of every event whose cause is unknown as “causeless.” This, as I have already stressed, is admissible only when a cause is not even thinkable. . .. This is necessarily the case when space and time lose their meaning or have become relative, for under those circumstances a causality which presupposes space and time for its continuance can no longer be said to exist and becomes altogether unthinkable. For these reasons it seems to me necessary to introduce, alongside space, time, and causality, a category which not only enables us to understand synchronistic phenomena as a special class of natural events, but also takes the contingent partly as a universal factor existing from all eternity, and partly as the sum of countless individual acts of creation occurring in time. ~Barbara Hannah, Jung: His Life and His Work, Page 220

The result is an image of the insoluble tension between limitedness and eternity, reality and dream, actuality and ideal, body and soul, mortality and immortality. ~Carl Jung, Children’s Dreams Seminar, Page 287

The West is the land of the dead, the sun sinks in the West, it is there that the day, and life itself, sink, so to speak, into eternity. ~Carl Jung, ETH, Page 210.

… I caught sight of two figures, an old man with a white beard and a beautiful young girl. … The old man explained that he was Elijah, and that gave me a shock. But the girl staggered me even more for she called herself Salome! She was blind. What a strange couple: Salome and Elijah. But Elijah assured me that he and Salome had belonged together from all eternity. ~Carl Jung, MDR, Page 181

Certain souls, I imagine, feel the state of three-dimensional existence to be more blissful than that of Eternity. But perhaps that depends upon how much of completeness or incompleteness they have taken across with them from their human existence. ~Carl Jung; MDR; Page 321.

True, the unconscious knows more than consciousness does; but it is knowledge of a special sort, knowledge in eternity, usually without reference to the here and now, not couched in language of the intellect. ~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Page 311

We lack concrete proof that anything of us is preserved for eternity.  At most we can say that there is some probability that something of our psyche continues beyond physical death. ~Carl Jung, Memories Dreams and Reflections, Page 322

“Either she did not love me and was indifferent concerning my fate, or she loved me – as she certainly did – and then it was nothing short of heroism.  Such things stand forever, and I shall be grateful to her for all eternity. ~Carl Jung speaking of Toni Wolff [Jung: His Life and Work by Barbara Hannah; Page 120.]

The orderedness which is illustrated in synchronistic happenings differs from that of the properties of natural numbers or the discontinuities of physics in that the latter have existed from eternity and occur regularly, whereas synchronistic events are acts of creation in time.  ~Carl Jung, Number and Time, Page 12

When I lived with the Indians, time seemed not to exist. It had no importance. I was part of nature, one with nature and so experienced still another type of time: eternal time eternity that has no beginning nor end.  ~Maud Oakes, The Stone Speaks, Page 104

One called Window on Eternity, though painted long before his [Jung] meeting with Wilhelm, is included in the “examples of · European mandalas” accompanying The Secret of the Golden Flower, of which the· dream magnolia was obviously an example.  ~ Laurens van der Post, Jung and the Story of our Time, Page 205

Henri Bergson once remarked that humanity has from all eternity been surrounded by electricity, but that it took milleniums until man discovered it. ~Gerhard Adler, Dynamics of the Self, Page 97

I have always thought,’ I said, ‘that the Hindu tries to get rid of the Ego in order to escape from the wheel of Samsara; eternity for him would be like a continuous state of insomnia, and he therefore wants to blend himself into the concept of the Whole. ~Miguel Serrano, Jung-Hesse A Friendship, Page 50

“In death, I shall join all of my other selves.” “In death, we shall have eternity and ubiquity.” “something must remain after death,” “but it is so difficult to figure out!” ~Marie-Louise Von Franz, Homage to MLVF, Page 165

Jung said to them [Barbara and Marie]: “Look carefully around, take in the grasses, the trees below, the stones at our feet, the flowers, the ringing bells of the cows. Since we sat down on this bench, the world has ever so slightly changed; it can never go back. When I am gone, come back in your minds to this bench . . . we will sit here, together, for eternity.” ~ David Eldred, Homage to MLVF, Pages 227

Jung said God and man were two sides of the same coin. To the side pointing inward and creating the entire person Jung gave the word Self, the side facing into eternity was God. ~Tom Laughlin, Homage to MLVF, Page 319

Eternity is in love with the productions of time. ~William Blake, William Blake’s “Proverbs of Hell.” – A Jungian Commentary, Page 51

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand / And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, / Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand / And Eternity in an hour” (Auguries of Innocence).  ~William Blake, The Black Books, Vol. II, Page 185, fn 186

“Dear scarab, my father, I honor you, blessed be your work-in eternity. Amen.” ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. III, Page 108

Without knowing it you [Satan] enlighten me. You are personal life-but the apparent standstill is the forbearing life of eternity, the life of divinity. ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. IV, Page 244

The human has fallen from you. You have come closer to the stars. The kingdom of what is to come will open. Let silence enter, the silence of eternity, since all paths, even the most winding, lead to the valley of silence. ~Philemon, The Black Books, Vol. VI, Page 213

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