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Black Books

the figure of Atmavictu went through a number of incarnations, as an old man, a bear, an otter, a newt, a serpent, then simultaneously a man and an earth serpent. He was Izdubar, and became Philemon.

The black magician, Ha, was the father of Philemon.

Ka was the father of Salome, and also the brother of the Buddha.

Ka was Philemon’s shadow. Philemon further identified himself with Elijah and Khidr and claimed that he would become Phanes. ~The Black Books, Vol. I, Page 70

You may call us symbols for the same reason that you can also call your real fellow men symbols, if you wish to.

But we exist and are just as real as your fellow men.

You invalidate nothing and solve nothing by calling us symbols. ~Elijah, The Black Books, Vol. II, Page 189

Your work is fulfilled here.

Other things will come, of which you do not know yet. But seek untiringly, and above all write exactly what you see. ~Elijah, The Black Books, Vol. II, Page 196

You do me wrong, Elijah is my father, and he knows the deepest mysteries, the walls of his house are made of precious stones, his wells hold healing water and his deep eye sees the things of the future-And what wouldn’t you give for a single look into the infinite unfolding of what is to come? Are these not worth a sin for you?” ~Salome, The Black Books, Vol. II, Page 181

We [Elijah/Salome] are really together and are not symbols. We are real and together. ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. II, Page 182

You have not forgotten it. It burned deep inside you.

But you are afraid of megalomania? Are you that cowardly?

Or can you not differentiate this thought from your own self, from your human nature, enough so that you wished to claim it for yourself? ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. II, Page 188

I think it would be obvious that your thoughts are just as much outside your mind: self as trees and animals are outside your body. ~Elijah, The Black Books, Vol. II, Page 188

I’m not sending you away.

You must not be far from me.

But give to me out of your fullness, not your longing.

I cannot satisfy your poverty just as you

You possess nothing, so how can you give?

Insofar as you give, you demand. Elijah, old man, listen you are a patriarchal Jew, you have an old-fashioned gratitude.

Do not give away your daughter, but set her on her own feet.

She might dance, sing or play the lute before people, and they might throw flashing coins at her feet and cannot still my longing. ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. IV, Page 252

I know where your [Elijah] serpent is. I have her.

My soul fetched her for me from the underworld.

She gives me hardness, wisdom, and magical power.

We needed her in the upperworld, since otherwise the underworld would have had the advantage, to our detriment. ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. IV, Page 254

A dream told me that you were suffering, you Elijah, you Salome, you elders, and you, my maternal soul that cannot forget me.

You, maternal soul, tell me why should I, who had been your lover, appear to you now as your unbeloved man? ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. VI, Page 235

I am astonished, Elijah. Do you not know what happened?

Do you not know that the world has put on a new garb?

That the one God and the one soul have gone away and in turn a multitude of Gods and soul daimons have moved back into the world? ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. VI, Page 237

But the soul became the steps of its ladder, closest, nearest, near, far, further, furthest. First she is my own being, then she is a serpent and a bird, then she is mother and father, then even further away Salome and Elijah. ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. VI, Page 238

Elijah: I do not like this multiplicity. It is not easy to think it.

Salome: The simple alone is pleasurable. One need not think about it. ~Carl Jung, The Black Books, Vol. VI, Page 238

Salome: Father Elijah, do you realize that men are ahead of us?

He is right, the many is more beautiful, richer, and more pleasurable. Jehovah is twofold unity, and always the same. ~Salome, The Black Books, Vol. VI, Page 239

He [Jung] had further encounters with Elijah and Salome on December 22 and 25.

These critical fantasies signaled a breakthrough from passive witnessing to active engagement.

He had broken through a barrier; a method had been found and consolidated.

Trusting to his soul’s vision, he entered into an exchange with the figures, listened to them, and allowed himself to be instructed. ~The Black Books, Vol. VII, Page 24