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Elijah connects him with the later description of Philemon.

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Black Books

In “On the Psychological Aspects of the Figure of the Kore” (1941), Jung described these episodes as follows:

“In an underground house, actually in the underworld, there lives an old magician and prophet with his’ daughter.’

She is, however, not really his daughter; she is a dancer, a very loose person, but is blind and seeks healing” (CV\f 9, pt. 1, § 360 ).

This description of Elijah connects him with the later description of Philemon.

Jung noted that this “shows the unknown woman as a mythological figure in the beyond (that means in the unconscious).

She is soror or filia mystica of a hierophant or ‘philosopher,’ evidently a parallel to those mystic syzigies which are to be met with in the figures of Simon Magus and Helen, Zosimus and Theosebia, Comarius and Cleopatra, etc.

Our dream-figure fits in best with Helen” (ibid.,§ 372). For Jung’s commentary on this entry, see LN, pp. The Black Books, Vol. III, Page 196, fn 149

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