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Carl Jung: The dream you report, of a patient looking through a microscope at a lot of little worms that cause her illness

Letters Volume I

To Erich Neumann

Dear Colleague, 4 April 1938

While sending you best thanks for your friendly letter of last July I must apologize for not having answered it until now.

It arrived just before my departure for America, 1 where I had to give lectures at Yale University.

On my return I had to leave almost at once for India, where I was invited to the 25th anniversary of the Indian
Science Congress Association in Calcutta.

I got back only a short while ago.

The dream you report, of a patient looking through a microscope at a lot of little worms that cause her illness, means a disturbance in the sympathetic system, an abnormal charge by which its smallest parts (worms) have been autonomized to an abnormal degree.

As we know from experience, it is a question of contents which are unconscious on this level but, theoretically at least, are capable of synthesis because of their creative character.

Whether it will come to that depends on the patient’s fate and endowments and equally on an expertly guided inner development.

I have a1ways found that in such cases drawing and painting yield particularly good results.

In a dream like this the problem is still in a bodily, organic state and cannot be distinguished from it.

Only if the worms join together into a snake, for instance, is there any prospect of conscious realization.

Parallel symbols are bacteria, small insects, etc.

When I compare the contents of your letter with what the papers say about Palestine I can easily imagine what a fantastic tension of opposites there must be in you.

But such a tension is highly beneficial for the progress of your inner development as it brings out the Meaning with particular clarity.

I have heard from Frau Dr. Braband whom you probably know, that attempts are being made to bring together all those who are interested in analytical psychology.

In support of these efforts, I have sent some of my own books and writings to the University Library in Jerusalem.

I was very glad to hear that you have so much to do.

Let’s hope it goes on in this style.

With best greetings and wishes,

Yours sincerely,

C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. I, Page 243

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