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Carl Jung and Mountains Anthology

You barricade yourself from the world with exaggerated saviour fantasies. So climb down from the mountain of your humility and follow your nose. Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 559.

That you have picked on me, of all people, as a speaker arouses very mixed feelings, because the problem of love seems to me a monster of a mountain which, for all my experience, has always soared to still greater heights -which, I thought I had almost reached the top. Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 38-39.

‘‘A halo of light surrounds the world of the law. We forget one another, quiet and pure, altogether powerful and empty. The emptiness is irradiated by the light of the heart of heaven. The water of the sea is smooth and mirrors the moon in its surface. The clouds disappear in blue space; the mountains shine clear. Consciousness reverts to contemplation; the moon- disk rests alone.” Hui Ming Ching, The Secret of the Golden Flower, Page 121.

We constantly hear of Mahatmas and Rishis living away in the mountains of Tibet who are capable of all kinds of magical practices and in India this is also taken for granted; but when Shri Rama Krishna became interested in the question and tried to discover if such people existed, he did not find a single one. Usually it is the invisible or psychic reality which is meant. Carl Jung, ETH Lecture, Pages 103.

I am an orphan, alone; nevertheless I am found everywhere. I am one, but opposed to myself. I am youth and old man at one and the same time. I have known neither father nor mother, because I have had to be fetched out of the deep like a fish, or fell like a white stone from heaven. In woods and mountains I roam, but I am hidden in the innermost soul of man. I am mortal for everyone, yet I am not touched by the cycle of eons. Carl Jung, Quoting an Alchemical Text, MDR 227.

Some of the main islands [of peace] are: my garden, the view of distant mountains, my country place where I withdraw from the noise of city life, my library. Also small things like books, pictures, and stones. Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 40.

Even if the ego should be (as I think) the supreme point of the self, a mountain infinitely higher than Mt. Everest, It would be nothing but a little grain of rock or ice, never the whole mountain. Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 194-196

Your heights are your own mountain, which belongs to you and you alone. There you are individual and live your very own life. If you live your own life, you do not live the common life, which is always continuing and never-ending, the life of history and the inalienable and ever-present burdens and products of the human race. There you live the endlessness of being, but not the becoming. Becoming belongs to the heights and is full of torment. Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 267.

At your low point you are no longer distinct from your fellow beings. You are not ashamed and do not regret it, since insofar as you live the life of your fellow beings and descend to their lowliness you also climb into the holy stream of common life, where you are no longer an individual on a high mountain, but a fish among fish, a frog among frogs. Carl Jung, The Red Book, Page 266.

In this bloody battle death steps up to you, just like today where mass killing and dying: fill the world. The coldness of death penetrates you. When I froze to death in my solitude, I saw dearly and saw what was to come, as clearly as I could see the stars and the distant mountains on a frosty night. Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 274, Footnote 73.

You are Christians and run after heroes, and wait for redeemers who should take the agony on themselves for you, and totally spare you Golgotha. With that you pile up a mountain of Calvary over all Europe. Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 254.

Austerity is also in the realm of nature-the forests, the mountains-but without insistence, nature never insists on its qualities; and to do this means, in fact, to lose the quality of one’s quality. It no longer is nature, no longer natural. C. G. Jung, Emma Jung and Toni Wolff – A Collection of Remembrances; Pages 51-70.

Rockefeller was really just a mountain of gold, and it had been dearly bought. Carl Jung, Modern Psychology, Vol. 1, Page 66.

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006 the dream about the mountain cliffs reminded me of the elf
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8 Mountains

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