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Carl Jung on Karmic Illusion.

Psychology and Religion

[Note: Those familiar with “The Red Book” may wish to consider the implications of the statement below which states “The Chonyid state is equivalent to a deliberately induced psychosis” with particular emphasis on the words “deliberately induced psychosis.”]

So far as I know, there is no inheritance of individual prenatal, or pre-uterine, memories, but there are undoubtedly inherited archetypes which are, however, devoid of content, because, to begin with, they contain no personal experiences.

They only emerge into consciousness when personal experiences have rendered them visible. As we have seen, Sidpa psychology consists in wanting to live and to be born. (The Sidpa Bardo is the “Bardo of Seeking Rebirth.”)

Such a state, therefore, precludes any experience of transubjective psychic realities, unless the individual refuses categorically to be born back again into the world of consciousness.

According to the teachings of the Bardo Thodol, it is still possible for him, in each of the Bardo states, to reach the Dharmaya by transcending the four-faced Mount Meru, provided that he does not yield to his desire to follow the “dim lights.”

This is as much as to say that the dead man must desperately resist the dictates of reason, as we understand it, and give up the supremacy of ego-hood, regarded by reason as sacrosanct. What this means in practice is complete capitulation to the objective powers of the psyche, with all that this entails; a kind of symbolical death, corresponding to the Judgment of the Dead in the Sidpa Bardo.

It means the end of all conscious, rational, morally responsible conduct of life, and a voluntary surrender to what the Bardo Thodol calls “karmic illusion.” Karmic illusion springs from belief in a visionary world of an extremely irrational nature, which neither accords with nor derives from our rational judgments but is the exclusive product of uninhibited imagination.

It is sheer dream or “fantasy,” and every well-meaning person will instantly caution us against it; nor indeed can one see at first sight what is the difference between fantasies of this kind and the phantasmagoria of a lunatic. Very often only a slight “abaissement du niveau” mental is needed to unleash this world of illusion.

The terror and darkness of this moment has its equivalent in the experiences described in the opening sections of the Sidpa Bardo. But the contents of this Bardo also reveal the archetypes, the karmic images which appear first in their terrifying form. The Chonyid state is equivalent to a deliberately induced psychosis.~Carl Jung, Psychology and Religion, Psychological Commentary on “The Tibetan Book of the Dead” Pages 519-520; Paragraph 846.

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