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I have always vowed I would never write an autobiography

Letters Volume II

To Emma von Pelet

Dear Frau von Pelet, 6 January 1960

Many thanks for your kind letter, which reminds me of how long
it is since I have heard from you.

My congratulations on the success you have had with your Interesting tasks!

As for myself, I am not planning any further publications and have nothing of the sort in hand.

It seems rumours have reached you that I am writing my biography.

I have always vowed I would never write an autobiography and in this case have only wetted my feet a little; it is rather Frau Jaffe who is writing a biography to which I have made a few contributions.

So I have nothing more to do with it and am in the fortunate position of leaving the headaches to others and indulging in otium cum dignitate, as befits my old age.

If my luck holds, I won’t be plagued by any new ideas either, but can withdraw with untroubled heart into the lands behung with dream-clouds.

Best wishes for the New Year, also to Frau von Keller,

Yours sincerely,

C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 531

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