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It will burn inside you.

The Red Book

Carl Jung; Red Book; Illumination 84.

The primordial force is the radiance of the sun, which the sons of the sun have carried in themselves for aeons and pass on to their children.

But if the soul dips into radiance, she becomes as remorseless as the God himself since the life of the divine child, which you have eaten, will feel like glowing coals in you.

It will burn inside you like a terrible, inextinguishable fire.

But despite all the torment, you cannot let it be, since it will not let you be.

From this you will understand that your God is alive and that your soul has begun wandering on remorseless paths.

You feel that the fire of the sun has erupted in you. Something new has been added to you, a holy affliction.

Sometimes you no longer recognize yourself You want to overcome it, but it overcomes you.

You want to set limits, but it compels you to keep going. You want to elude it, but it comes with you. You want to employ it, but you are its tool; you want to think about it, but your thoughts obey it.

Finally the fear of the inescapable seizes you, for it comes after you slowly and invincibly.

There is no escape.

So it is that you come to know what a real God is.

Now you’ll thinlc up clever truisms, preventive measures, secret escape routes, excuses, potions capable of inducing forgetfulness, but it’s all useless.

The fire burns right throughyou.

That which guides forces you onto the way.

But the way is my own self my own life founded upon myself The God wants my life.

He wants to go with me, sit at the table with me, work with me.

Above all he wants to be ever-present.

But I’m ashamed of my God. I don’t want to be divine but reasonable. The divine appears to me as irrational craziness.

I hate it as an absurd disturbance of my meaningful human activity.

It seems an unbecoming sickness which has stolen into the regular course of my life. Yes, I even find the divine superfluous.

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