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You are the lord of the beginning. ~Carl Jung

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Carl Jung Depth Psychology Facebook Group

The Red Book

Amen, you are the lord of the beginning.
Amen, you are the star of the East.
Amen, you are the jfower that blooms over everything.
Amen, you are the deer that breaks out of the forest.
Amen, you are the song that sounds far over the water.
Amen, you are the beginning and the end. ~Carl Jung; Red Book.

126 In “Dreams,” Jung noted on January 3, 19I7: “In Lib. nov. snake image III incent” [stimulus to snake image III in Liber Novus] (p. I). This notation appears to refer to
this image.
127 Image legend: “brahmallaspati.” Julius Eggling notes that “Brihaspati or Brahmanaspati, the lord of prayer or worship, takes the place of Agni, as the representative of the priestly dignity … In Rig-Veda X, 68,9 … Brihaspati is said to have found (avindat) the dawn, the sky and the fire (agni), and to have chased away the darkness with his light (arka, sun), he seems rather to represent the element of light and fire generally” (Sacred Books oJthe East I2, p. xvi). See also the note to image 45. ~Carl Jung; Red Book; Footnotes 126 and 127.

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