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Carl Jung cubical stone

On Jung’s 70th birthday in 1950, he set up a cubical stone by a tree at the side of the lake, and inscribed three sides – one with a quote from the alchemical treatise “The Philosopher’s Stone”:

“hic lapis exilis extat, pretio quoque vilis, spernitur a stultis, amatur plus ab edoctis” (“this stone is poor, and cheap in price; it is disdained by fools, but it is loved all the more by the wise”); one with a figure of Telesphorus –

a sacred homunculus featured in the Red Book and reminiscent of the manikin he first created as a child; and on one side a memorial of gratitude for his 70th birthday.

A copper cover was added later for protection.

The side of the stone facing the lake reads:

I am an orphan, alone; yet I am found everywhere.
I am a youth and an old man simultaneously.
I have known neither father now mother, because like a fish I have to be lifted up from the depths.
Or because I drop from the sky like a white stone.
In woods and mountains I roam, but I am hidden in the human’s innermost.
I am mortal for everyone, but remain untouched from the change of times.

Salome Stone Pleasure

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84ad6 1stone
84ad6 1stone

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