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There are two Bodies in Man

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Psychology and Alchemy (Collected Works of C.G. Jung Vol.12)

“so there are two bodies in man, one composed of the elements, the other of the stars; therefore, these two have to be well distinguished from each other. In death the elementary body is buried together with its spirit, the ethereal ones are consumed in the firmament, and the spirit of the God-image goes to Him of which it is the image.” ~Paracelsus, De Lunaticus.

“Ruland says, ‘Imagination is the star in man, the celestial or supercelestial body.’ This astounding definition throws a quite special light on the fantasy processes connected with the opus. We have to conceive of these processes not as the immaterial phantoms we readily take fantasy-pictures to be, but as something corporeal, a ‘subtle body,’ semi-spiritual in nature.” ~Carl Jung, Representations of Redemption in Alchemy.”

“since divine wisdom is only partly enclosed in the body of the world, the greater part of it is outside, and it imagines far higher things than the body of the world could conceive (concipere). And these things are outside nature: God’s own secrets. The soul is an example of this: it too imagines many things [ . . . ] outside the body, just as God does.” ~An Alchemist cited in Children’s Dreams Seminar, Page 287.

And, finally: imagination is, therefore, not “a question of actualizing those contents of the unconscious that are outside nature, that is, not a datum of our empirical world, and therefore a priori of archetypal character. The place or the medium of realization is neither mind nor matter, but that intermediate realm of subtle reality that can be adequately expressed [only] by the symbol.” ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, CW 12, § 394