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An old secret fire burns between us

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The Red Book

From the Red Book:

“An old secret fire burns between us, giving sparse light and ample warmth.
The primordial fire that conquers every necessity shall burn again, since
the night of the world is wide and cold, and the need is great.”

From -Memories, Dreams, Reflections-

I also recall from this period (seven to nine) that I was fond of playing with fire. In our garden there was an old wall built of stone, the interstices of which made interesting caves. I used to tend a little fire in one of those caves, with the other children helping me, a fire that had to burn forever and therefore had to be constantly maintained by our united efforts, which consisted in gathering the necessary wood. No one but myself was allowed to tend the fire. Others could light other fires in other caves, but these fires were profane and did not concern me. My fire alone was living and had an unmistakable aura of sanctity.”

Carl Jung Depth Psychology Blog

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